MTG - Wilds of Eldraine - English Draft Booster
15 cards per booster
36 boosters per box
Eldraine is a plane of wonderful chaos and contradictions - your players will be invited to begin their own adventure, enveloped in a fantastic fairy tale with a twist to break the curse of endless sleep.
Draft Boosters are the ideal boosters for drafting. At Booster Draft events, players strategize on the fly, selecting new cards as they come to hand to build a powerful deck that annihilates their opponents. A Draft Booster Display can provide an incredible drafting experience for a group of eight players.
36 MTG Wilds of Eldraine draft boosters
15 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster
1 Rare or higher rarity card in each pack
3-4 uncommon cards
9 common cards
1 Earth card (full Earth in 33% of boosters)
At least 1 uncommon or higher rarity borderless special card
1 traditional card replacing a common card in 33% of boosters