MTG - Innistrad Midnight Hunt - English Collector Booster Box
MTG - Innistrad Midnight Hunt - English Collector Booster Box

MTG - Innistrad Midnight Hunt - English Collector Booster Box

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MTG - Innistrad Midnight Hunt - English Collector Booster Box

Release date: 2021-09-24

17 cards per booster
12 boosters per display
24 displays per case

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt begins our new story drawn from the concerns of the people of Innistrad: a night that may never end. With the sun rising later and setting earlier each day, they turn to the hope of the Harvesttide festival and a ritual with the wizards to maintain the balance.

Despite the presence of many werewolves and other creatures of the night, the humans gathered deep in the woods of the Kessig countryside are full of strength and hope. But the story doesn't end with a bonfire party.

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