2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Hobby Box
2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Hobby Box

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Hobby Box


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2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Hobby Box

Expected release date : 2022-11-15

8 packs per box
6 cards per pack

Back on the ice after a quick hiatus, the 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey returns for a second NHL season.

While the brand technically skipped a year between series, the product offers a double set, of sorts, thanks to the 2020-21 upgrade cards.

Hobby boxes feature an average of one hit that can be either an autographed or unsigned acetate insert.

Base / Parallels 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey
Similar to the first release, 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey features a base set of 150 cards with 50 veterans and 100 Debut Ticket Access rookie cards.

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Cards 1
Divided into several tiers, the Debut Ticket Access cards come in four different rarity subsets, with all cards numbered at 999 or less.

The much larger parallel rainbow offers a purple edition (#/10) for fans only.

Upper Deck Credentials 2021-22 2
Breakdown of parallel base cards and 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials

Veterans Base 2021-22
Teal - #/399
Yellow - #/299
Indigo - #/249
Red - #/199
Orange - #/149
Blue - #/99
Neon Green - #/75
Pink - #/49
Green - #/25
Purple - #/10 (Hobby)
Gold - #/5
Black - 1/1
Ticket Access Levels Debut
Level 1 - #/999
Level 2 - #/799
Level 3 - #/599
Level 4 - #/299
Early Ticket Access Parallels 2021-22

Yellow - #/249
Red - #/199
Orange - #/149
Blue - #/99
Pink - #/49
Green - #/25
Purple - #/10 (Hobby)
Gold - #/5
Black - 1/1
However, the 2020-21 UD Credentials add 100 additional cards via the Debut Ticket Access Update line. These reflect the scarcity and parallel options for 21-22 rookies.

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials 3 field hockey cards
2020-21 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Base Update Breakdown

Early Access Update
Level 1 - #/999
Level 2 - #/799
Level 3 - #/599
Level 4 - #/299
Ticket Access Update Parallels
Yellow - #/249
Red - #/199
Orange - #/149
Blue - #/99
Pink - #/49
Green - #/25
Purple - #/10 (Hobby)
Gold - #/5
Black - 1/1
Field hockey Inserts 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials
With at least eight cards per box, inserts are a big part of the 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials field hockey card list.

Star of the Night features veterans and rookies with three levels of talent.

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Cards 4
2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Star of the Night List

1st Star of the Night - 1:10 packs
1st Night Star - 1:15 packs
2nd Night Star - 1:10 packs
2nd Night Star - 1:15 packs
3rd Night Star - 1:10 packs
3rd Night Star Rookies - 1:17 packs
There are also new inserts to collect. Rookie Arrivals (1:2 packs) features new NHL names and Speed of the Game covers the top stars (1:16 packs) and rookies (1:6 packs).

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials 5 field hockey cards
View from the Glass (1:320 packs) is a short print insert that gives collectors the feel of watching a game while sitting right next to the ice. This set contains veterans and rookies, while adding a rare Gold Spectrum parallel (#/25).

Other choices include Acetate Debut Ticket Access (#/249) and Acetate Ticket Access (#/149).

Upper Deck Credentials 2021-22 Hockey Autographs
Providing another batch of Ticket Access autographs, the 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey card features several signed inserts.

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Cards 6
Selection includes Ticket Access Debut Autographs (#/299 or less), Ticket Access Autographs (#'d), Retro Ticket Access Autographs (#'d) and Dual Ticket Access Autographs (#'d).

Autograph List for Upper Deck Credentials 2021-22 Hockey Tickets

Autographs for early access tickets
Level 1 - #/299
Level 2 - #/199
Level 3 - #/99
Level 1 Yellow - #/125
Level 2 Yellow - #/75
Level 1 Red - #/99
Level 2 Red - #/49
Level 1 orange - #/45
Level 2 orange - #/25
Blue level 1 - #/35
Blue level 2 - #/15
Green - #/25
Purple - #/10
Black - 1/1
Ticket Access Autographs

Base - #'d
Yellow - #/25
Red - #/10
Orange - #/5
Blue - #/4
Green - #/3
Purple - #/2
Black - 1/1
Retro Ticket Access Autographs

Base - #/25
Yellow - #/15
Red - #/10
Orange - #/5
Blue - #/4
Green - #/3
Purple - #/2
Black - 1/1
Dual access autographs

Base - #'d
Yellow - #/10
Red - #/6
Orange - #/5
Blue - #/4
Green - #/3
Purple - #/2
Black - 1/1
Be on the lookout for serially numbered Acetate Debut Ticket Access autographs and Acetate Ticket Access autographs.

2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials 8 Hockey Cards
Like the base set, the 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey set adds 2020-21 Debut Ticket Access Update Autographs. These cards have the same parallel rainbow as the 21-22 cards.

Autographs 2020-21 Upper Deck Credentials Debut Ticket Access Update

Level 1 - #/199
Level 2 - #/99
Level 1 Yellow - #/75
Level 2 Yellow - #/35
Level 1 Red - #/49
Level 2 Red - #/25
Level 1 orange - #/25
Level 2 orange - #/15
Blue level 1 - #/15
Blue level 2 - #/10
Green level 1 - #/10
Level 2 Green - #/5
Purple - #/3
Black - #1/1
Another update is found via the 2020-21 Acetate Debut Ticket Access (#/199) and 2020-21 Acetate Debut Ticket Access Autographs (#/99).

Going back to 21-22, there are still the Main Stage Signatures (1:80 packs), Rookie Arrival Autographs (1:40 packs), and Star of the Night Autographs (#'d).

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Breakdown of 2021-22 Upper Deck Credentials Hockey Autographs

Night Star Autograph
1st Star - #'d
1st Star - #/25
2nd Star - #/49
2nd Star - #/49
3rd Star - #/99
3rd Star Recruits - #/99
Main Scene Signatures
Base - 1:80 packages
Gold Tier 1 - 1:640
Gold Tier 2 - #/10
Black - 1/1

This product is available in store only or by special order

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