2024 Topps Star Wars Hyberspace Hobby Box
Release date: 2025-02-28
Twelve (12) boxes per case
Eight (8) packs per box
Ten (10) cards per pack
Each pack contains ten (10) 2024 Star Wars Hyperspace cards.
Each box contains four (4) numbered parallels.
Each case contains two (2) autograph cards.
This is a one-of-a-kind product that celebrates the many planets of the Star Wars universe. In the first year, we'll be focusing on the planets Naboo, Kashyyyk, Hoth, Bespin and Mustafar. We'll feature notable characters, creatures, ships and merchandise from each planet. There are four numbered cards per box, two autos per case and one hyperspace jump per case. Also look out for rare inserts such as Reflections, Galactic Origins and Planetary Views.
Product highlights
Look out for numbered refractory parallels!
Look for new inserts!
Find autograph cards from Star Wars' greatest talents!
Collect the 100-card base set, featuring notable characters, creatures, ships and assets from Naboo, Kashyyyk, Hoth, Bespin and Mustafar.
Base map parallels
- Refractor parallel: 1:2 packs.
- Nebula parallel refractor: 1 per box.
- Aqua parallel refractor card: 199.
- Parallel Aqua Sonar refractor card: 199.
- Parallel Pulsar refractor: #'d to 99.
- Parallel galactic dust refractor: #'d to 75.
- Gold galactic dust refractor: #'d to 50.
- Hyperlanes Parallel Refractor: #'d to 25.
- Hyperlanes Black Parallel Refractor: #'d to 10.
- Red Hyperlanes Parallel Refractor: #'d to 5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1.
Planetary variations of base cards - These are planetary variations of each subject in the base series, with their planet in the background. These cards are numbered up to 99.
Jump into hyperspace - This insert will feature the following ships: the Millennium Falcon, the Naboo Fighter, the Republic Frigate, Boba Fett's ship and the Phantom. This insert is available one per case.
*This insert will not have a Hyperlanes refractor #'s to 25
There's always a bigger fish - This insert features creatures from the planets Naboo, Hoth, Kashyyyk and Mustafar.
First arrival - This insert is a cut-out card featuring characters in reference to the planets on which they first appeared. This is a rare insert in the product.
Galactic eras - This insert will present some of the most significant historical moments, battles, etc. on the five planets.
Parallels to the above insert
- Pulsar Refractor parallel: #99 copies.
- Gold Galactic Dust refractor parallel: #Up to 50.
- Parallel Refractor Hyperlanes: #'d to 25.
- Hyperlanes Red Parallel Refractor: #'d to 5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1.
Reflections - This is a continuity insert that was first introduced in 2024 Star Wars Chrome and will feature new original art. This is a rare insert that will combine with Galactic Origins to drop to 1:5 per case.
- Red Hyperlanes Parallel Refractor: #'d to 5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1
Planetary views - This is a rare insert featuring the planets Naboo, Kashyyyk, Hoth, Bespin and Mustafar, with the base numbered to 99.
- Gold Galactic Dust parallel refractor: #50.
- Parallel Refractor Nebula: #5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1.
- Galactic Origins - This insert shows the characters on their planets with elements of the planet in the background. This is a rare insert that will combine with Reflections to drop to 1:5 per case.
- Hyperlanes Refractor Parallel: #Numbered to 10.
- Hyperlanes Refractor Parallel Red: #'d to 5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1.
Autograph cards
Star Wars autograph variation
Autographs of some of the best-known Star Wars characters. These autographs are distributed two per box and represent the greatest talents of Star Wars.
Wars. Autographs start on Base Refractor. Autograph parallels:
- Pulsar Refractor Parallel: #'d to 99.
- Gold Galactic Dust Parallel Refractor: #'d to 50.
- Hyperlanes Refractor Parallel: #'d to 25.
- Parallel Refractor Red Hyperlanes : #'d to 5.
- Superfractor Parallel: Numbered 1/1.
Sketch cards
We'll present sketch cards that have the following parallels featuring a unique design with five separate planet sketch cards of Naboo, Kashyyyk, Hoth, Bespin, and Mustafar.
- Silver leaf
- Purple leaf
- Gold leaf
- Blue leaf
- Black leaf